- Fashion AD Campaign -



Buelltto means mischievous friend in Italian. Bulletto is an accessory brand since 2013, and has been cementing its identity working with Studio Kyclops for 4 seasons. To show Bulletto's brand image more sophisticated and global, we planned to show New York version of Bulletto to express a free and urban feeling that could only be felt in New York.


Studio Kyclops planned to shoot two main themes of young Bulletto in daily life.

The first was a model. We chose Prynce as a model who is an artist enjoying street fashion and affranchise style. He was an actual music producer who lived in Harlem, New York. We thought he could naturally dive into this concept. 

Result & Impact

The CEO of Bulletto was able to focus his own strength on accessory design and presentation because he knew how Studio Kyclops' strength which was efficient project resolution than anyone else.





  • Location Scouting

  • Casting

  • Free Studio Rental

  • equipment rental

  • Professional production crews

  • Photo Re-touch 

  • color grading

  • Sizes variation for multiple media 

  • delivery in multiple formats

  • back-up and storage

  • password protected proofing


  • Commercial Use photo

  • Model Photography

  • Lookbook

  • Editorial

  • Branded Contents

  • Promo videos

  • Social Content

  • E-Commerce


  • Lookbook

  • Instagram

  • Facebook


 The second was a location. We took photos in a house and deli. They were the most comfortable places for New Yorkers. By taking photos in a comfortable and self-expression space, the models could express the aspects of truthful.

Because of the comfortable environment, the project could be completed quickly with cool feeling and free of New York version of Bulletto.