- Fashion lookbook -


Partimento is a clothing brand that pursues comfort casual. They requested to Studio Kyclops to escape the concept of soft and pastel tone that had taken in a photo studio. So, we planned outdoor in Brooklyn to take photos to visualize a comfortable and soft image of Partimento's global image.


We focused on casting a model who would fit the best for Partimento's concept and clothes. As a result, we finally cast Jackson Beyda who has cleared eyes and a neutral image with long hair. During the pre-production process, we considered a lot about the model's hair style. To match the product's fit and to give the relaxed and comfortable feeling, we chose his hair style as feminine. As the location, we chose Greenpoint in Brooklyn which could be an ideal background to match the pastel tone color of Partimento. We set the background as matching the pastel tone walls and streets with the color of clothes to make them stand out.

Result & Impact

Through this project, Partimento got a distribution in Spain and L.A. As a result, it became the collective brand which positively showed the possibility of global distribution.





  • Location Scouting

  • Casting

  • Equipment rental

  • Professional production crews

  • Photo Re-touch 

  • Color grading

  • Sizes variation for multiple media 

  • Delivery in multiple formats

  • Back-up and storage


  • Commercial Use photo

  • Model Photography

  • Lookbook

  • Social Content


  • Lookbook

  • Instagram

  • Facebook