
Status Audio has many neat designs rather than putting a logo on a product. Also, its great advantage was a great sound quality and low price compared to average earbuds and headphones. Status Audio wanted to emphasize their advantages.


We have taken minimal and simple design that can stand out by themselves as the main concept. We planed to show their actual use in the clean monotone background with sophistication. This background helps the consumers to focus on their products deeply. By showing the industrial city through the window, supporting the users to feel they are connected to the city people who are the main target of the products. When we casted a model, we chose him who could show the sophistication of urban feeling along with neutral feeling products.

Studio Kyclops works better than anyone else to address the client needs through a hotline. Working with an art director who fully understands their needs in order to keep going on a project effectively. Because we have a systematic plan and a relevant experience, we could finish in a day.

Result & Impact

Status Audio has achieved an average annual growth rate of 375% through collaborating with us since 2017. Status Audio products are currently the number one seller in Amazon.

James Bertuzzi, CEO of Status Audio, was able to focus his own strength on audio engineering because he knew how Studio Kyclops' strength which was efficient project resolution than anyone else.


Woodies Clothing The Performance Shorts


Status Audio 2017