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Status Audio successfully launched their new products in 2020 along with our new content solutions. In particular, to catch up with products in similar positions, such as Apple's Airpods Pro, Sennheiser, and Bose's noise-canceling audio products, the company launched a new product (Between PRO, Flagship ANC headphone) with Studio Kyclops.

While Status Audio needed a wide range of content for marketing and sales, the cost of creative productions in New York was too high. Status Audio rented a studio and hired freelancers every time they did photo/video shoots, and was very worried about the incohesive brand look coming out each time.

Consistency, the core of brand value, was achieved through our content solutions that produce high-quality content with a price that is relatively lower than the industry average. As a result, we have successfully funded more than 1 Million dollars on Indiegogo and distributed globally in a pandemic situation.


In a time of change in which the quality of life in the home becomes more important due to this pandemic situation and the culture of Work from Home, we have been in charge of art direction and content producing for Status Audio, which produces high-quality audio products. Status Audio, which was born with the conviction to make premium products with as many cutting-edge technologies as possible at an affordable price, created a good product with a brilliant idea, but the promotional costs had been expensive and they were tired of changing the direction of content production every year. The global pandemic situation has made the economic market shrink, dramatically increasing the marketing burden for startups. Saving marketing costs has emerged as a major challenge for Kyclops, which grows with clients. Therefore, we developed content solutions that can reduce the financial burden for Kyclops' clients, so the integrated solution that provides all the assets required for photo/video production at under $5000 per month was created.

Result & Impact

Status Audio has been in a partnership with the content solutions of Kyclops for six months now and has been able to produce, launch and live marketing assets we provided, lowering the marketing costs at the same time. The content solutions from Kyclops, which offers two commercial shoots every month, could solve the challenges facing Status Audio. In particular, we have solved their branding and marketing problems through consistent and cohesive content that can be used on various platforms by comprehensively producing product photography, editorial model photoshoots, and interview videos for the launch of their new earbuds, ‘Between PRO’. As a result, we were able to achieve a successful Indiegogo Crowd Funding of over 1 Million dollars.

In the era of multi-device per person, advertising is not an option, but a necessity to boost sales, and Kyclops' content solutions, which incorporates a cost-minimizing marketing structure, are getting very positive reactions from startups.

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  • Kickstarter video

  • Brand Film & Company

  • Commercial Use photo

  • Product photo

  • Model Photography

  • Branded Contents

  • Brand Film & Company

  • Promo videos

  • Interview video

  • Documentary-style videos

  • Social Content

  • E-Commerce


  • Indiegogo

  • Kickstarters


  • Full Production

  • Creative Strategy

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